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godro10-Apr-2013 01:04
Original composition,well done!
Interesting 01-Feb-2013 15:20
..according to quantum theory, no matter how far apart the particles get, they remain mysteriously connected. .
Guest 11-Nov-2011 11:11
Vejas naktyje15-Mar-2011 17:18
'Quantum change . . '
knowing 03-Dec-2010 20:20
The Physics of the Gods
Guest 01-Dec-2010 21:21
quantum weirdness..
Guest 06-Oct-2010 17:20
As observers, we capture physical beauty with internal and external perceptions. We witness both microworld and macroworld, borne of quantum cosmology, not only to interact together but also to interchange with us. Our intimate universe, whose reality embodies both imagination and objectivity, projects itself upon our senses. The previous perspectives - most serious, and some idealistic - are all invented from such love for physics.
Guest 14-Oct-2009 16:34
Companion souls dripping through the fabric doubt