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Neil Marcus | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rambling Rt.66, October 18-24, 2019 > An Unlikely Pair
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An Unlikely Pair

A REO truck of 19-20 vintage The trailer...?
Moriarty, NM

Sony Alpha α7R II
1/320s f/9.0 at 40.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
George McCarten18-Dec-2019 06:59
Great discovery...and your caption says it all. Well photographed and processed.
Charlene Ambrose17-Dec-2019 17:45
What a nice find! Very colorful Reo! V
Dave Petersen Photography17-Dec-2019 16:43
Unlikely is an under statement. I am finding so much to see in the reflections of this terrific capture. Such a fun image to contemplate Neil. As they say "seeing is believing" especially with this odd couple. VV
Walter Otto Koenig17-Dec-2019 16:39
What a great and most unusual find. What a contrast in age, color and building material. Very well photographed from this angle with this tight crop. "V"
Jim Coffman17-Dec-2019 14:33
Unlikely indeed! WOW, what a find! Nice image, Neil...
peterjay4517-Dec-2019 14:09
Terrific image, the colours and contrast are beautiful.
Tom Beech17-Dec-2019 12:19
THAT is for sure... plus electronic signs on the trailer to boot.
danad17-Dec-2019 10:23
Yes, a stunning combination ! V.
Bill Miller17-Dec-2019 08:29
That is a fine and interesting coupling
Dan Greenberg17-Dec-2019 05:15
Very nice shot of this 1917-18 Reo and its much more modern trailer. ~BV~
joseantonio17-Dec-2019 05:11
nice capture of this old beauty.V
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