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Neil Marcus | all galleries >> Casual Art Events on Douglas St. >> Chalk Artist's Area > Caught Unawares
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Caught Unawares

She did give me a smile and greeting after the surprise photo. I have posted an additional three

Sony ILCE-7RM2
1/80s f/4.0 at 66.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jean D13-Jan-2017 00:49
Nice candid portrait . Well captured, Neil.
Raymond Ma04-Jan-2017 04:30
I like the spontaneity and the off side framing. V
joseantonio03-Jan-2017 05:03
very nice work.....V
Long Bach Nguyen03-Jan-2017 04:56
wonderful shot Neil...Happy New Year
globalgadabout03-Jan-2017 04:10
sharp capture Neil....Madame admirably dominates the image...
Jim Coffman03-Jan-2017 03:03
Nice work, Neil..
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