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Neil H | profile | all galleries >> Idaho >> Malad Gorge and Twin Creek Brewery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Malad Gorge and Twin Creek Brewery

The Malad Gorge has some interesting scenery, including sage brush. Eric at Twin Creek Brewery makes some awesome beer an amber/golden ale that is one of the best I have tasted. He has won several prizes recently for his brews. He works at a micro brew level.
Malad Gorge
Malad Gorge
Malad Gorge
Malad Gorge
Malad Gorge
Malad Gorge
Sagebrush at Malad Gorge
Sagebrush at Malad Gorge
Trail Creek
Trail Creek
Trail Creek
Trail Creek
Trail Creek
Trail Creek
Trail Creek
Trail Creek
Trail Creek and Pandora's
Trail Creek and Pandora's
Trail Creek
Trail Creek
Trail Creek and Pandora's
Trail Creek and Pandora's