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Jean D's Recent Galleries

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12-Mar-2021 20:09
Snowy Owls
:: Snowy Owls ::
31-Dec-2020 21:01
Coastal Maine
:: Coastal Maine ::
22-Dec-2020 04:40
Winter Scenes
:: Winter Scenes ::
15-Dec-2020 02:39
Snakes & reptiles
:: Snakes & reptiles ::
08-Dec-2020 02:34
Birds of North America  -2-
:: Birds of North America -2- ::
01-Dec-2020 18:20
 Birds of Prey
::  Birds of Prey ::
13-Aug-2020 20:21
:: Wildlife  ::
04-Aug-2020 00:01
Great Blue Heron
:: Great Blue Heron  ::
01-Jun-2020 03:58
Canada Geese
:: Canada Geese  ::
27-May-2020 18:22
Portraits and Candids
:: Portraits and Candids ::
28-Jan-2020 02:51
Random images
:: Random images ::
21-Jan-2020 01:53
Photographers at work - Please  do not disturb
:: Photographers at work - Please do not disturb ::