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Naoki Hayashi's Photo Gallery | all galleries >> Galleries >> People > Image 56
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Image 56

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Kiriakos Korakis30-Jul-2007 20:45
Great shot ! V !
Bernd Koenemann29-Jul-2007 16:07
I find it very interesting how you use the placement of your copyright notice as a visual element in your images.
Guest 12-Apr-2007 12:36
Very good portrait!
Guest 07-Mar-2007 05:22
Nice shot
カリスマン 07-Mar-2007 02:55
Guest 07-Mar-2007 02:49
b-w studio07-Mar-2007 01:00
Very cool portrait.
Marc 07-Mar-2007 00:04
You made great atmosphere here. Love it.
Fong Lam06-Mar-2007 23:47
Great portrait and nice treatment. Vote
olivier bruning06-Mar-2007 21:53
intriguing wonders what she is looking at! ~V~
Chris Sofopoulos06-Mar-2007 19:59
Interesting work! v
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