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Nancy Crays | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Great Smoky Mountains National Park tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Great Smoky Mountains National Park


I went to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in April of 2015 for a photography workshop taught by Ed and Kelly Heaton. On the afternoon before the workshop, I met Bill, a friend from CompuServe's Photography Forum, and his wife Jola and we shot photos of flowers and kayakers.
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Fern (DSC0763)
Fern (DSC0763)
Fern (DSC0876)
Fern (DSC0876)
Fiddlehead Fern (DSC1006)
Fiddlehead Fern (DSC1006)
Purple Wild Flowers
Purple Wild Flowers
Yellow Trillium
Yellow Trillium
White Wild Flowers (DSC0952)
White Wild Flowers (DSC0952)
Wild Daisies (DSC0955)
Wild Daisies (DSC0955)
Wild Daisies (DSC0979)
Wild Daisies (DSC0979)
Another Purple Wild Flower (DSC0979)
Another Purple Wild Flower (DSC0979)
Wild Orchid (DSC1011)
Wild Orchid (DSC1011)
Fungus (DSC1018)
Fungus (DSC1018)
Toadstools Next to the River (DSC1023)
Toadstools Next to the River (DSC1023)
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