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We traveled with the Texas Exes Flying Longhorns to Patagonia in February 2010. We went to Buenos Aires, Ushuaia and the national park on Tierra del Fuego when we were in Argentina. Then we sailed on the MV Via Australis around Cape Horn to Chile. We stopped along the way in Wulaia Bay, took rubber boats to see glaciers and went to Magdalena Island where we saw penguins. We rode a bus from Punta Arenas to Torres del Paine, a national park in Chile. From there we went to Puerto Varas and nearby towns. Our last stop was Santiago.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ushuaia, Argentina
Ushuaia, Argentina
Tierra del Fuego National Park, Argentina
Tierra del Fuego National Park, Argentina
Glaciers in Patagonia
Glaciers in Patagonia
Penguins on Magdalena Island, Chile
Penguins on Magdalena Island, Chile
Puerto Varas Area of Chile
Puerto Varas Area of Chile
Santiago, Chile
Santiago, Chile
Torres del Paine, Chile
Torres del Paine, Chile
Via Australis
Via Australis
Cape Horn
Cape Horn