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Alaska: Juneau

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Humpback Whale Preparing to Dive in Auke Bay, Juneau
Humpback Whale Preparing to Dive in Auke Bay, Juneau
Humpback Whale Diving in Auke Bay, Juneau
Humpback Whale Diving in Auke Bay, Juneau
Humpback Whale Diving in Auke Bay, Juneau
Humpback Whale Diving in Auke Bay, Juneau
Humpback Whale Blowing in Auke Bay, Juneau
Humpback Whale Blowing in Auke Bay, Juneau
Lunch Stop Following Whale Watching, Auke Bay, Juneau
Lunch Stop Following Whale Watching, Auke Bay, Juneau
Our Whale Watching Catamaran
Our Whale Watching Catamaran
Mendenhall Hall Glacier, Juneau
Mendenhall Hall Glacier, Juneau
Mendenhall Hall Glacier, Juneau
Mendenhall Hall Glacier, Juneau
Mendenhall Hall Glacier, Juneau
Mendenhall Hall Glacier, Juneau
Ice Berg at Mendenhall Hall Glacier, Juneau
Ice Berg at Mendenhall Hall Glacier, Juneau
Ice Berg at Mendenhall Hall Glacier, Juneau
Ice Berg at Mendenhall Hall Glacier, Juneau
Waterfall Next to Mendenhall Glacier
Waterfall Next to Mendenhall Glacier
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