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marilyn k holmberg | all galleries >> Galleries >> 'Snow and Ice ... ' > 'Snow Day, Snow Day, there's not a thing that we can do ... '
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'Snow Day, Snow Day, there's not a thing that we can do ... '


Not a thing is open in this winter wonderland,
Might as well forget about whatever we had planned.
We've been working hard all winter, been busy just getting it done,
What a wonderful way for Mother Nature to say
"Today we're just going to have fun."

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Guest 03-Apr-2006 18:48
These pics are so gorgeous. I really like this one.
Guest 26-Mar-2006 06:00
Love the highlights and shadows.
Guest 15-Mar-2006 03:55
this snow was almost like a gift from Mother Nature......
Jeanne Newman15-Mar-2006 03:25
It's hard to dislike winter when such beauty abounds!