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09.26.2008 'm'

The Details


'I want to know God's thoughts ...
the rest are details.'
--Albert Einstein

Nikon D3 ,Nikkor 180mm f/2.8D ED-IF AF
1/2000s f/4.0 at 180.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 30-Sep-2008 04:31
very cool!
Judy Davey28-Sep-2008 07:03
excellent composition - simplicity of colour and shape, wonderful dof. and love that tiny green leaf stuck in the metal! V. Judy
Maureen27-Sep-2008 17:23
I love this one. The dof is perfect!
Cathy Adams27-Sep-2008 00:59
this is my fav...I like the simplicity and the perfect DOF!