I love these little birds. I have two now making a nest in a bluebird house. They are very vocal! Last year I had a couple make a nest and watched happily until all 5 babies fledged. I am so glad they returned again this year. I think they are quite pretty birds, they have great flying abilities too. Enjoy your Tree Swallows~they are fun to watch.
Kathy Ragan
22-Jun-2009 00:32
I had two of these little birds hanging out at night on the overhang on my house. Then they dissapeared for several weeks. I opened the door last night to let my dog out. looked up and there perching on the overhang was 5 of these cute little creatures. They don't seem alarmed when I turn on the light and open the door. They just sit there and stare down. Can anyone tell me about these little birds?