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murray newell | all galleries >> Galleries >> beach_glass_collecting > 057.JPG
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rare beach glass,rolled by the fakes here.mother nature done her work well.rolling 1800 glass to, blues,reds,ambers,greens,whites,purples and even yellows.shards from old plates our ancestors no longer wanted or needed. maybe broken by mistake.who knows,now we search and find these hidden treasures.its like finding the prize at the bottom of a cracker jack box.its wonderful to search for,great to find.and great pleasure to admire.thanks for causing great finds its a pleasure to walk the old pathway you once traveled.hurray to our past.have fun finding your own treasures you will find it to be a trip you'll never forget.happy hunting.

Olympus C-765 UZ
1/5s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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