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Konica Minolta Users | profile | all galleries >> KM Challenges >> #2: Big and Little - hosted by Jim Rickards >> #2: Big and Little - Competition tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

#2: Big and Little - Competition

1st - Me and my son by Ferenc MOGOR
1st - Me and my son by Ferenc MOGOR
3rd - The House Where Nobody Sleeps by Claudio Gatti
3rd - The House Where Nobody Sleeps by Claudio Gatti
4th Alone by David Bourke
4th Alone by David Bourke
5th Two in One by Ferenc MOGOR
5th Two in One by Ferenc MOGOR
Piano duet * by Richard B
Piano duet * by Richard B
St.Steven's Satellites * by Ferenc MOGOR - DiMAGE 5
St.Steven's Satellites * by Ferenc MOGOR - DiMAGE 5
Tower * by David Bourke
Tower * by David Bourke
Clock Hands by Brad Harris
"Clock Hands" by Brad Harris
* Spooned - Iam3D - S404 - 800 x 600.jpg
* "Spooned" - Iam3D - S404 - 800 x 600.jpg
*     WHOOP  &  whoop              by Bill Webster
* " WHOOP & whoop " by Bill Webster
Bountiful Duplicity * by John down under
Bountiful Duplicity * by John down under
Intimidation*by Ray Brown
Intimidation*by Ray Brown
Tiffany by Michael Lampi
Tiffany by Michael Lampi
* The Root - Iam3D - S404 (aka - you KNEW this one was coming).jpg
* The Root - Iam3D - S404 (aka - you KNEW this one was coming).jpg
The One * Matt Davids
The One * Matt Davids
Information by lammert01 *
Information by lammert01 *
*Swiss quartz by Paul d'A
*Swiss quartz by Paul d'A
Snake by Hennie *
Snake by Hennie *
Wrench Wrabble * by Wray Brown
Wrench Wrabble * by Wray Brown
Switch *  by Bob Lawson
Switch * by Bob Lawson
Trees * by Matt Shuter
Trees * by Matt Shuter
Inside looking Out - Photoman*
Inside looking Out - Photoman*
Beast of Burden * by John down under
Beast of Burden * by John down under
DOLL & dolls  *  by  Bill Webster
DOLL & dolls * by Bill Webster
Eye to Eye - DiMage Z1
Eye to Eye - DiMage Z1
Texas Ain't THAT Little - Photoman
Texas Ain't THAT Little - Photoman
* Look Out! by Claudio Gatti
* Look Out! by Claudio Gatti
*Nails by jack d.
*Nails by jack d.
Collaborative collage *   by Bill Webster
Collaborative collage * by Bill Webster
Dolls on display  *   by  Bill Webster
Dolls on display * by Bill Webster
Braids 1 and  Braids 2, by *Veronica
Braids 1 and Braids 2, by *Veronica
Roofline by Bruce Jones
Roofline by Bruce Jones
* Wind Power by Claudio Gatti
* Wind Power by Claudio Gatti
Freedom (aka mountains & molehills) * by John down under
Freedom (aka mountains & molehills) * by John down under
Waiting for Spring.jpg*
Waiting for Spring.jpg*
Squirrel in London * by Luca Gemelli
Squirrel in London * by Luca Gemelli
*Space Invasion
*Space Invasion
Picture in Picture* by jack d.
Picture in Picture* by jack d.
Stranger* by jack d.
Stranger* by jack d.
Innocent* By Luminus
Innocent* By Luminus
Feels Good* By Luminus
Feels Good* By Luminus
The World's Tallest *
The World's Tallest *
Two Clouds and Trees
Two Clouds and Trees
Old And Even Older* by Plamen Antonov
Old And Even Older* by Plamen Antonov
Where's Goldylock? * By Luminus
Where's Goldylock? * By Luminus
Evergreens in Greyscale - Iam3D.jpg
Evergreens in Greyscale - Iam3D.jpg
Cold Wrinkled Icicles - Iam3D What? Nobody thought of this one?.jpg
Cold Wrinkled Icicles - Iam3D What? Nobody thought of this one?.jpg
* Cold and Steamy
* Cold and Steamy
million millions - by photoman
million millions - by photoman
Competition Final.jpg
Competition Final.jpg