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Monte Stevens | all galleries >> Almost Photo-a-Day >> yearly_archives >> 2005_pad_gallery >> october_2005 > 10-23-05.jpg
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I spent a bit of time at City Park late this afternoon knowing there must be benches in the park that could fit my PaD for the month. I missed yesterday so needed to capture one for today. These two look out over the small lake and into the setting sun. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

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Guest 20-Nov-2005 02:56
Very nice!
It is good for reading.
Please give me a permission for my private blog.
A blog thema is reading books in open air.
if any, please adviced.
many thanks
Olaf Herrig24-Oct-2005 06:08
A very nice composition and great light!
Guest 24-Oct-2005 02:15
Beatiful. I love the reflection of the sun in the water.
Coleen Perilloux Landry24-Oct-2005 01:35
Very beautiful shot, Monte. I love the framing of the changing leaves.
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