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Monte Stevens | all galleries >> Almost Photo-a-Day >> yearly_archives >> 2005_pad_gallery >> may_05 > 05-23-05.jpg
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Birds were my subject tonight but not what I went after. I believe it’s called flowing with the punches. We had really nice light for a short while then the sun went behind the clouds. I chose this one because of the second bird in the background. I’m not sure what bird they are as I can’t locate them in my National Audubon bird book. If anyone knows please let me know.

Here's another shot:

Nikon D100
1/320s f/5.6 at 300.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
b-w studio25-May-2005 00:07
beautiful shot.
Guest 24-May-2005 23:16
Wow, these birds are very nice! What a lovely shot!
Guest 24-May-2005 22:50
Very nice!
beverley harrison24-May-2005 11:48
what lovely tones, well caught!
Janet Lamont24-May-2005 04:50
Great shots. I especially like the second one.
My guess is that this is a female Yellow-headed Blackbird. It's not a bird we have in western Washington, but my guide shows it's summer range to be across the midwest, and it also says they nest and roost in marshes.
Steven Jusczyk24-May-2005 04:23
Really nice bird shot.
Coleen Perilloux Landry24-May-2005 04:03
Very lovely shot, Monte.
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