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Monte Stevens | all galleries >> Almost Photo-a-Day >> yearly_archives >> 2005_pad_gallery >> may_05 > 05-17-05.jpg
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I noticed some really nice cumulus clouds out east so I drove out for a look-see. I found this fence running along a golf course and was taken by the pattern. We have the row of fence posts creating one pattern and the shadows from each post against the next post as the second pattern. Anyway, it intrigued me.

Nikon D100
1/125s f/11.0 at 85.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Coleen Perilloux Landry18-May-2005 21:10
Great line drive, Monte.
Antonis Sarantos18-May-2005 19:43
Excellent perspective, great colours!
Guest 18-May-2005 18:22
Guest 18-May-2005 18:02
Wow.. good shot! The patterns are very nice, and I like the angle you have taken it from.

JeremyGood18-May-2005 17:49
Great perspective and you're right, it's a fascinating pattern with the shadows falling straight down the poles.
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