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Monte Stevens | all galleries >> Almost Photo-a-Day >> yearly_archives >> 2005_pad_gallery >> may_05 > 05-12-05.jpg
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Every year there are at least two or three broods of geese hatched around the pond at my condo. This image was taken about six feet from my front door with a 70-300mm telephoto and handheld. There are four in this group and another set of four nearby. They are cute but sure do make a mess! I came home late last night and then opened this morning so I am posting this image this morning.

Nikon D100
1/320s f/5.6 at 300.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Coleen Perilloux Landry14-May-2005 00:22
What beautiful little goslings. Great, sharp shot. You need to feed them some cracked corn.
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