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Monte Stevens | all galleries >> Almost Photo-a-Day >> yearly_archives >> 2005_pad_gallery >> February 2005 > 02-13-05.jpg
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Can’t believe it’s already February 13th, the year is moving right along. Anyway, I headed for old town tonight with tripod over my shoulder for some bright night-shots for my PaD. Instead I got a shadowy side street image I liked better. I like the colors, the patterns and textures.
It also asks the question: What’s down there? Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Nikon D100
0.67s f/5.6 at 28.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Wenche Aune14-Feb-2005 20:57
Nice light and texture.
Steve Pepple14-Feb-2005 03:02
Nice nightshot. I like the brown hues and the lines through this.
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