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Monte Stevens | all galleries >> Almost Photo-a-Day >> yearly_archives >> 2005_pad_gallery >> February 2005 > 02-09-05.jpg
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It has been a bright sunny day. So, I spent a little bit of time taking in the warm rays, sipping on an Espresso con Pana and journaling. I knew I needed to get my PaD in so started to check out the shadows as they started to stretch with the late afternoon sun. I then noticed the coffee cup and its shadow and started taking shots. This is the one I decided on. I’ve only cropped it about and inch on the left side, resized it and then USM. Hope all have had a good day!

Nikon D100
1/1600s f/5.6 at 38.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dawn10-Feb-2005 03:25
Nicely done
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