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Martin Schiff | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Carnival Miracle >> Day 3 - Grand Cayman tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Day 3 - Grand Cayman

On day 3, we took an excursion to Stingray City, where the sting rays are so friendly and so used to being hand fed that they swarm whenever a new boat arrives.
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Arriving at the pier in Grand Cayman
Arriving at the pier in Grand Cayman
Austin holds stingray
Austin holds stingray
All of us hold stingray
All of us hold stingray
Kissing stingray for good luck! Yuck
Kissing stingray for good luck! Yuck
Stingrays here...stingrays there... eek
Stingrays here...stingrays there... eek
I'm hungry...gimme some squid!
I'm hungry...gimme some squid!
David and Austin having a ball
David and Austin having a ball
Two women hold a male stingray
Two women hold a male stingray
Up close and personal underwater
Up close and personal underwater
Nina catches stingray
Nina catches stingray
Nina proud of her catch (it's not easy!)
Nina proud of her catch (it's not easy!)
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