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March 2011 Free-Mo Set-up at the San Bernardino Station

Images from the Free-mo set-up in the museum at the historic Santa Fe Station in San Bernardino, California, March 18-19, 2011. The layout was set up in conjunction with the annual Santa Fe Railway Historical & Modeling Society's California Mini-meet. For more information:

Module contributors at this event include numerous members from Free-mo_LA, Free-mo SLO, and NorCal Free-mo.

Photos by Robert Forsstrom. Any corrections and comments welcomed.
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The 2011 Layout Roadmap
The 2011 Layout Roadmap
Friday's Setup - Hearst Creek/Overpass
Friday's Setup - Hearst Creek/Overpass
Friday's Setup - Hearst Overpass / Whitehorse
Friday's Setup - Hearst Overpass / Whitehorse
Friday's Setup - Height checking
Friday's Setup - Height checking
Friday's Setup - Mojave Yard
Friday's Setup - Mojave Yard
Friday's Setup - Shandin's arrival
Friday's Setup - Shandin's arrival
Friday's Setup - Laser level is operational
Friday's Setup - Laser level is operational
Friday's Setup - Bud and Michael at Iota
Friday's Setup - Bud and Michael at Iota
Friday's Setup - Dialing everything in...
Friday's Setup - Dialing everything in...
Friday's Setup - Hearst Creek, Bilton & Mojave Yard
Friday's Setup - Hearst Creek, Bilton & Mojave Yard
Friday's Setup - More alignment...
Friday's Setup - More alignment...
Friday's Setup - Connecting the rail...
Friday's Setup - Connecting the rail...
Friday's Setup - Shandin loop
Friday's Setup - Shandin loop
Friday's Setup - Bean, Chaffee, and LA Yard
Friday's Setup - Bean, Chaffee, and "LA Yard"
Friday's Setup - LA & Mojave Yard
Friday's Setup - "LA" & Mojave Yard
Friday's Setup - Looking like a layout now...
Friday's Setup - Looking like a layout now...
Friday's Setup - Structures up at Bilton
Friday's Setup - Structures up at Bilton
Friday's Setup - Hearst, Whitehorse, Iota, Piru, Waldorf, Palomarez...
Friday's Setup - Hearst, Whitehorse, Iota, Piru, Waldorf, Palomarez...
Friday's Setup - Bilton, Mojave Yard.
Friday's Setup - Bilton, Mojave Yard.
Friday's Setup - Iota, Whitehorse.
Friday's Setup - Iota, Whitehorse.
Friday's Setup - Waldorf & Bean.
Friday's Setup - Waldorf & Bean.
Friday's Setup - Satellite views
Friday's Setup - Satellite views
Friday's Setup - Satellite views
Friday's Setup - Satellite views
Friday's Setup - Satellite views
Friday's Setup - Satellite views
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
Saturday's run session
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