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Marc Portengen | profile | all galleries >> Travel and Adventure >> Africa >> A Glimpse of the World through God's Eye tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

A Glimpse of the World through God's Eye

We have been lucky enough to have seen some amazing places in Africa. Some are also quite wonderful from the sky.
On board Rovos Air
On board Rovos Air
Rovos Air Convair 440
Rovos Air Convair 440
On finals in Botswana
On finals in Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Our pilot
Our pilot
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Okavange Delta, Botswana
Our pilot
Our pilot
Check in desk Africa style
Check in desk Africa style
DSCF0951 (Large).JPG
DSCF0951 (Large).JPG
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Tanzania coast line
Tanzania coast line
River mouth Tanzania
River mouth Tanzania
Dhow of the coast of Dar es Salaam
Dhow of the coast of Dar es Salaam
Approach on Mafia Island
Approach on Mafia Island
Kilindoni harbour, Mafia Island
Kilindoni harbour, Mafia Island
Mafia Airport!
Mafia Airport!
Mafia Airport
Mafia Airport
The Nile
The Nile
The Nile
The Nile
Africa is vast!
Africa is vast!
Masai Mara
Masai Mara
Keekorok Airstrip
Keekorok Airstrip
Keekorok Airstrip
Keekorok Airstrip
Masai Mara
Masai Mara
Masai Mara
Masai Mara