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David Warren | profile | all galleries >> Places >> Northwest >> C O W II tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


We decided to spend a couple weeks and a bunch of gasoline on a refreshing trip to California, Oregon, and Nevada. Here's a sample of what we saw.
Bainbridge Island to Manzanita, OR
Bainbridge Island to Manzanita, OR
Bainbridge Island to Manzanita
Bainbridge Island to Manzanita
Bainbridge Island to Manzanita
Bainbridge Island to Manzanita
Florence to Brookings
Florence to Brookings
Florence to Brookings
Florence to Brookings
Redding to Truckee
Redding to Truckee
Redding to Truckee
Redding to Truckee
Redding to Truckee
Redding to Truckee
Truckee to Reno, NV
Truckee to Reno, NV
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Truckee to Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Around Reno
Reno to Sonora, CA
Reno to Sonora, CA
Sonora to Sutter Creek
Sonora to Sutter Creek
Sonora to Sutter Creek
Sonora to Sutter Creek
Sutter Creek to Susanville
Sutter Creek to Susanville
Sutter Creek to Susanville
Sutter Creek to Susanville
Susanville to Klamath Falls, OR
Susanville to Klamath Falls, OR
Susanville to Klamath Falls
Susanville to Klamath Falls
Susanville to Klamath Falls
Susanville to Klamath Falls
Susanville to Klamath Falls
Susanville to Klamath Falls
Klamath Falls to Hood River
Klamath Falls to Hood River
Klamath Falls to Hood River
Klamath Falls to Hood River
Hood River to Bainbridge Island
Hood River to Bainbridge Island
Hood River to Bainbridge Island
Hood River to Bainbridge Island