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David Warren | profile | all galleries >> Places >> Northwest >> Alaska tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Half a trip; the other half was cancelled due to rain.
Inside Passage: Wrangell Narrows I
Inside Passage: Wrangell Narrows I
Wrangell Narrows II
Wrangell Narrows II
Juneau, 5am
Juneau, 5am
Juneau, 6am
Juneau, 6am
Juneau, 7am
Juneau, 7am
Leaving Juneau, 9am
Leaving Juneau, 9am
The Boat Stops Here, Haines AK
The Boat Stops Here, Haines AK
Main Street, Haines
Main Street, Haines
Fort William Seward, Haines
Fort William Seward, Haines
On the Road to Haines Junction
On the Road to Haines Junction
Yukon (YT) Morning, Haines Junction
Yukon (YT) Morning, Haines Junction
On the Road to Tok
On the Road to Tok
Relocating Earth
Relocating Earth
Re-entering Alaska
Re-entering Alaska
On the Road from Tok to Fairbanks
On the Road from Tok to Fairbanks
On the Road to Fairbanks
On the Road to Fairbanks
In Downtown Fairbanks
In Downtown Fairbanks
More Downtown Fairbanks
More Downtown Fairbanks
Museum of the North I
Museum of the North I
Museum of the North II
Museum of the North II
Museum of the North III
Museum of the North III
Museum of the North IV
Museum of the North IV
Museum Again, Surprised Eskimo
Museum Again, Surprised Eskimo
Peekaboo Musk Ox, Univ of Alaska
Peekaboo Musk Ox, Univ of Alaska
Musk Ox Who's Had Better Days
Musk Ox Who's Had Better Days
Giant Cabbage, Georgeson Botanical Garden
Giant Cabbage, Georgeson Botanical Garden
Nenana Railroad Station
Nenana Railroad Station
Utility (?) Car at Station
Utility (?) Car at Station
Tug and Barge at Nenana
Tug and Barge at Nenana
On the Road Again, More Rain
On the Road Again, More Rain
Roadkill on the Parks Highway
Roadkill on the Parks Highway
Someone's Proud Collection, Parks Highway
Someone's Proud Collection, Parks Highway
Totem, Anchorage
Totem, Anchorage
Rain Happens, So It's Off to the Airport
Rain Happens, So It's Off to the Airport