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Chris Spracklen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favourites by hit count (3,000-33,000+) > Passion flower, own garden (6945)
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8.9.06 Chris Spracklen

Passion flower, own garden (6945)

Martock, Somerset

other sizes: small medium original auto
Pierre21-Apr-2014 21:36
Un gros plan exceptionnel de cette fleur aux détails remarquables! V
zonedout04-Apr-2011 23:01
Wow, What a flower! The photographer did a great job, too! V V ...z
katjas12-Jul-2010 07:20
wonderful and perfect light! V
bill friedlander23-Jul-2009 01:29
This is an outstanding shot. Composition, details, colors, its all there. V
poetry66630-Mar-2009 23:58
Outstanding flower Chris. Beautiful details, colour and composition.BV!!
Guest 09-Oct-2008 22:49
Beautiful image, Chris. I have never seen such a flower. Detail and color are fantastic. Very well done. V
Marco Valk09-Oct-2008 17:55
beautiful shot. v
globalgadabout05-Oct-2008 16:23
superb capture of this marvellous flower...V
Selvin Chance23-Oct-2006 05:11
Great job!
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