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Chris Spracklen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favourites by hit count (3,000-33,000+) > 'Bead' and tulip (5278)
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Chris Spracklen

'Bead' and tulip (5278)

Own garden, Martock, Somerset

That 'bead' of lens flare helps to make this shot!

Totally by accident, of course!

Nikon D70 ,Nikon 18-70 f3.5-4.5 G AF-S DX
With 4x close-up lens attached full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)05-May-2014 19:11
Pretty work.V
Paul L-R29-Jun-2013 01:11
Simple but striking image with gorgeous lighting. Superb work, Chris BV
Bernard Bosmans29-Apr-2011 05:01
Wonderful work Chris, very appealing shot. V.
poetry66616-Mar-2008 18:00
Outstanding work, Chris. Big V!
Yiannis Pavlis31-Mar-2007 13:44
Great , great colors and a very nice composition. beautifull has a really nice quality far from ordinary flower photo.
akleja24-Jan-2007 17:44
Simply wonderful! Vote.
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