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Music unifies the world. Known and street artists share the same passion - experimenting on sounds to create their own music.
Capturing the musicians and their instruments through photographs is music to me as well.

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Punk Rock sampler at Crocker Club
Punk Rock sampler at Crocker Club
Punk Rock sampler at Crocker Club
Punk Rock sampler at Crocker Club
Punk Rock sampler at Crocker Club
Punk Rock sampler at Crocker Club
Spinning Dire Straits
Spinning Dire Straits
Winelight by Grover Washington, Jr
Winelight by Grover Washington, Jr
Bowers & Wilkins 606 S2
Bowers & Wilkins 606 S2
ArtShare LA
ArtShare LA
at the Hive
at the Hive
sing for a cause
sing for a cause
sing for a cause
sing for a cause
sing for a cause
sing for a cause
g9/57/932657/3/155831487.zWbXT5qd.jpg strum my black guitar for me
strum my black guitar for me
at the NELA Art Walk
at the NELA Art Walk
a Valentines Day Evening Jazz Concert
gallery: a Valentines Day Evening Jazz Concert
Jazz at LACMA
gallery: Jazz at LACMA
at the LA Climate Change rally
at the LA Climate Change rally
Winter Band Concert
gallery: Winter Band Concert
Charmaine Clamor
gallery: Charmaine Clamor
Pinoygraphers Rock Band
gallery: Pinoygraphers Rock Band
at the LA Climate Change rally
at the LA Climate Change rally
gallery: Duchicela
mon david
gallery: mon david
gallery: Jazzipino
BLMS band
gallery: BLMS band
steel drums
gallery: steel drums
Annie Brazil
gallery: Annie Brazil
Brian McKnight
gallery: Brian McKnight
gallery: SCSBOA
marching band
gallery: marching band
WH Entertainment Unit
gallery: WH Entertainment Unit
sax anatomy
gallery: sax anatomy
2009 piano recital
gallery: 2009 piano recital
2009 winter band
gallery: 2009 winter band
West High Marching Band
gallery: West High Marching Band
touring Europe
gallery: touring Europe
Robert Simon
gallery: Robert Simon