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Mostafa Moftah | all galleries >> Galleries >> Mind Voyage > Nostalgia
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© 2008 Mostafa Moftah

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Luca Zanoni10-May-2008 12:00
Guest 05-Feb-2008 10:35
simply wonderful.
Susanne v. Schroeder17-Jan-2008 14:14
Excellent in every way!
Milos Markovic14-Jan-2008 18:13
A masterpiece!
big V.
Martha Albuquerque07-Jan-2008 04:29
beautiful, Mostafa! v
Apostolos Tikopoulos06-Jan-2008 19:19
Excellent composition and colours. V.
Guest 06-Jan-2008 19:08
Beautiful! Those ancient sculptures amaze me. Then you take hold and the earth breaks. V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography06-Jan-2008 16:25
Excellent, Vote.
monil06-Jan-2008 16:02
a very great picture. v
Guest 06-Jan-2008 15:34
I love the colors!
Marjan Schavemaker06-Jan-2008 14:44
Just super, Mostafa! V
Azlin Ahmad06-Jan-2008 14:36
You've pulled it off again! V
Guest 06-Jan-2008 14:24
Giancarlo is right, this is a nostalgic sign of the eternal beauty. Beautiful! V
Giancarlo Guzzardi06-Jan-2008 13:39
a callback to the classic in a balanced and soft composition... I do not know because, but I associate these sculptures to the concept of eternal beauty. and I, in so far as, consider nostalgia for that it does not belong to us more