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Mostafa Moftah | all galleries >> Egypt Galleries >> Flashes from Old Cairo > Waiting - Old Cairo
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Waiting - Old Cairo

© 2009 Mostafa Moftah

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Azlin Ahmad06-Dec-2009 13:41
Superb. The title says it all.
Martha Albuquerque22-Sep-2009 01:39 this guy is still here waiting and waiting.. until when? .. life is passing by him and he is just here in the same spot.. with that imponent gate in the background, hiding dreamy beauties, keeping answers he could have for his needs.. but he does not have The COURAGE to do the first step.. to just stand up, to just let go what he is afraid of and just enter into another level..

Should he do that?

Should we?
CIS14-Sep-2009 19:36
Very expressive shot with beauty and a story.
Ali Majdfar10-Sep-2009 07:06
Outstanding capture, fabulous mood. ~V
Marjan Schavemaker07-Sep-2009 05:25
Great quality image, Mostafa! V
Guest 05-Sep-2009 02:20
Beautiful detail, nicely captured.
Martha Albuquerque03-Sep-2009 11:30
Beautiful contrast between the old and imponent architeture and the man waiting for someone or something.. perhaps for something that he could find behind that gorgeous door.. V~
Sue Robertson03-Sep-2009 05:05
How beautiful that gate is...v