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Marvin Dockery | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bridge Jumping in Tennessee, USA. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bridge Jumping in Tennessee, USA.

This gallery shows US Highway 129 bridge jumpers.
Most of the images were taken on the Abram's Creek Bridge on Chilhowee Lake about twenty five miles south of Maryville, Tennessee. The highway going by this lake is US Highway 129. Highway 129 is the number one biking road in the USA, and number three in the world.
Bridge Jumper  IMG_0496
Bridge Jumper IMG_0496
IMG_0502  web.jpg
IMG_0502 web.jpg
IMG_0602 web.jpg
IMG_0602 web.jpg
IMG_0561  web.jpg
IMG_0561 web.jpg
IMG_0554  web.jpg
IMG_0554 web.jpg
Bridge beauties
Bridge beauties
SDIM0335 web.jpg
SDIM0335 web.jpg
SDIM0242 web.jpg
SDIM0242 web.jpg
SDIM0243 web.jpg
SDIM0243 web.jpg
IMG_2079,  Soaking up some sun on Highway 129
IMG_2079, Soaking up some sun on Highway 129
IMG_2021  all natural redhead bridge jumper
IMG_2021 all natural redhead bridge jumper
IMG_2018  Another high school age bridge jumper
IMG_2018 Another high school age bridge jumper
IMG_1849    Soaking up some late afternoon sun.
IMG_1849 Soaking up some late afternoon sun.
IMG_1827  Couple on the bridge.
IMG_1827 Couple on the bridge.
IMG_1661 Just arrived and getting ready to jump.
IMG_1661 Just arrived and getting ready to jump.
IMG_1636  Time to cool off again.
IMG_1636 Time to cool off again.
IMG_1624.  These girls and their boyfriends jumped several times
IMG_1624. These girls and their boyfriends jumped several times
IMG_1598   Passing through jumper,
IMG_1598 Passing through jumper,
IMG_1410 Three more bridge jumpers, all are wet, and just out of the water
IMG_1410 Three more bridge jumpers, all are wet, and just out of the water
Pretty Tummy,  September 2010
Pretty Tummy, September 2010
Bridge Jumpers in Tennessee USA
Bridge Jumpers in Tennessee USA
Seven Bridge Jumpers in Tennessee
Seven Bridge Jumpers in Tennessee