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The Tablelands and Woody Point

Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland
Lookout Trail Lookout Trail Lookout Trail View from the Lookout Trail Lookout Trail
View from the top of the Lookout Trail Lookout Trail Pano Lookout Trail Pano Trout River Whale Tale Treasures
Beach at Trout River Seaside Restaurant in Trout River Picture window at the Seaside Restaurant in Trout River Green Gardens Trail Green Gardens Trail
On the way to the Green Gardens Green Gardens Trail pano Green Gardens Trail pano Green Gardens Trail pano Wind blown trees along the Green Gardens Trail
Green Gardens Trail Green Gardens Trail Green Gardens Trail Green Gardens Enjoying the view!
Down the stairs to the Green Gardens View from the top of the stairs Down the stairs to the Green Gardens Green Gardens The beach at Green Gardens
The beach at Green Gardens M+J selfie on the way to the Tablelands To the Tablelands Tablelands Trail Tablelands Trail pano
Tablelands Trail Can you see me? A little closer Tablelands Trail Taking pictures at the Tablelands
M+J at The Tablelands Taking pictures at the Tablelands Taking pictures at the Tablelands Gros Morne Mountain in the distance Boardwalk
J on a boulder Tablelands Tablelands The Merchant Warehouse The Merchant Warehouse
G.C. Butt Ltd. Downtown Woody Point Roberts Fish Store Welcome Galliott Studios + Cafe
Stilts Fishing boat Gros Morne mountain across the bay On the patio What J was shooting
The Tablelands from Woody Point Gros Morne Mountain from across Bonne Bay Pano from Woody Point at dusk Golden hour at Woody Point The lighthouse at Woody Point