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M & J | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Summer tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Beach at Margaree Harbour Sunset at Margaree Harbour Sunset at Margaree Harbour Sunset at Margaree Harbour Margaree Harbour beach panorama
Dune climb Our shadows Pyramid Point Pyramid Point Sand dune
Sunset on the beach Setting sun Setting sun Setting sun Horizon
*** Lanterns Along the highway Along the highway Light through the trees
Cloud descending Lighthouse Lighthouse Lighthouse Lighthouse
Invisible horizon Invisible horizon Bee happy Elora Gorge Flower
Umbrella Lake Awenda Lake Awenda Lake Awenda Lake Awenda
Fern leaves cleaving Leaf Painted sky Painted sky redux Georgian Bay islands
Niagara sunset Niagara sunset Niagara sunset Niagara sunset Niagara sunset
Lighthouse Flowerpot Island Flowerpots Flowerpot Island Water's edge
Feather Seagulls Footprints Stairs to the beach Stairs to the beach
Lighthouse Across the channel Lighthouse Lighthouse Forest