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Gros Morne and Rocky Harbour

Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland
Gros Morne Mountain On the way to the mountain Taking a breather (and enjoying the view) Gros Morne Mountain Taking in the view
At the base of Gros Morne Mountain Panoramic view Gros Morne summit View of the fjord Stairs
Afternoon light Gros Morne at sunset Lobster Cove Head Mushroom Lobster Cove Head
The Arches The Arches The Arches The Arches To Western Brook Pond
Tour boats Waterfall Innermost tip of the fjord III Wake
Robert's Quest Low tide Seaweed M Low tide
Evening Rocky Harbour pier at dusk After the sunset Rocky Harbour evening Night
Cloud hat *** *** In a blue mood Spotlights
Shipwreck S.S. Ethie Reflection on rocks S.S. Ethie Self portrait S.S. Ethie
Misty mountains Rolling fog Fishing dory Found under water Found under water
Bonne Bay marine station Bonne Bay marine station Bonne Bay marine station Bonne Bay marine station Still I Stand
*** *** *** *** Antlers
Stan's Elements Tablelands Shallows Iron mountain
Low clouds over Rocky Harbour Clothesline g9/76/996276/3/150958448.nCMC6qiI.jpg Java Jack's - best restaurant in town Americano at Java Jack's
Greener pastures Laundry day Windy day To Salmon Point Rocky Harbour
*** St. Paul Port au Choix Port au Choix Port au Choix
Port au Choix Outhouse Port au Choix Broom Point Up and Down Again
:: Up and Down Again ::