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M & J | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Banff and Lake Louise tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Banff and Lake Louise

Cascade Mountain over Banff Town Bow River from Sulphur Mountain Sulphur Mountain boardwalk Approaching Lake Louise ***
Lake Louise *** Peak Lake Louise gondola Ski hills
Lake Louise gondola Aerial view of Lake Louise Castle Mountain Close-up of Castle Mountain Herd of elk
Bull elk Cow elk Grazing *** Another bull
Cow close up Bull and cow Bull close up *** Bighorn sheep ewes
Bighorn sheep ewes Licking salt off our car Little lamb Lamb Rearview mirror
Brown-eyed girl *** Sunrise over Mount Rundle Morning light ***
Changing sky J & M at Lake Minnewanka Johnston Canyon Johnston Canyon Johnston Canyon
Johnston Canyon Johnston Canyon *** Lower Falls Lower Falls