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Maury Krystel | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 31-Aug-2009 01:04
Great composition and picture taking. Photo's # 102 and 110 are Killer. Thanks for sharing.

Steve M.
Shelly Munoz 23-Jul-2009 01:10
Dr. Krystal, These photographs are incredible! I especially love the faces of people in the Bhutan photos. I want to go to Prague after seeing your photos. I am amazed at what a great photographer you are!!! Fabulous pictures. I'm going to show them all to my husband tonight.
Guest 16-Jan-2009 02:35
Dear Dr. Krystel I brought a client from nearby on Tuesday. Your photos are breathtaking. I loved seeing every one of them. Thank You for the experience.
Guest 20-Dec-2008 23:28
Thank you for the photoes. I'm going to South Africa next February, and I hope I'll be able to se as many things as you did!
Giovanni Larini - Italy
Emily 10-Oct-2008 20:03
Hi M. Krystel,
I really like your photos, and would like to use one of your rhino photos. Would you mind? Feel free to email me at
Guest 21-Jan-2008 01:59
Dr. Krystel.
These are great pictures. You must of had a great time. It shows in your photography.
Thanks for sharing them.
Dawn Lott
holly boyd 05-Dec-2006 04:55
Think you photo would be AWESOME on my new spiritual book coming out in January called "Act as if..." If you are interested in being on thousands (millions?!)of book covers, please call me or e mail 740 757 2944
susan 31-Aug-2006 20:27
Dr. Krystel,
This is Susan Jeffers, Farah Rouhani's sister and the photographer for your Dupont ads. My sister just sent me your photos and they are absolutely marvelous. You are a terrific photographer. Just wanted to let you know.
Peter & Wes 14-Aug-2006 18:31
Beautiful pictures Dr. Krystel. Thanks for sharing!
Rich Adams12-Aug-2006 19:12
Maury, Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my Botswana gallery! I enjoyed looking through your pics, and also enjoyed seeing the Savuti camp through another's perspective! You got some great images, and it looks like you had an awesome time!
Cheers... -Rich
Monika Nevitt 10-Jun-2005 01:08
Hello Ladies and Gentleman!

Finally got to see the beautiful pics from your trip. Oh my God! How wonderful - you all will cherish the memories for a lifetime. I'm jealous - started to look for a boss like Dr. Krystel : )

Your loyal patient - Monika
Guest 18-May-2005 16:21
The pictures of France are wonderful...You and your employees are truly a special group of people.

Thanks for sharing with your patients!
Karen Livernois