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Martin Lamoon | all galleries >> Galleries >> A week around Porthmadog > A week around Porthmadog
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A week around Porthmadog

Tides coming in!
Why do people just leave their boats to rot in such a wonderful area
(Same boat as in previous picture)

other sizes: small medium large original auto
regi olbrechts03-Mar-2015 08:15
A submarine sailboat!
Missed Opportunities16-Dec-2014 12:52
I would attribute it to: Inequality of distribution of wealth
Long Bach Nguyen16-Dec-2014 07:46
Great documentary
janescottcumming12-Dec-2014 21:14
You do wonder why people don't take care of their things. There must be a story here that we are not aware of. Sad to see but a good photo of this poor little boat. V
Bill Miller12-Dec-2014 19:32
A new type of wind-powered submarine.
joseantonio12-Dec-2014 17:35
Amazing capture. Very nice work.V.
Walter Otto Koenig12-Dec-2014 16:30
Judging from your previous post, this one is beyond repair. Somewhat surreal to see it like this. "V"
Tom LeRoy12-Dec-2014 14:45
So sad to see the boat go under water. Hope it will find a more careful owner! Great documentary, Martin! V
Wintermeer12-Dec-2014 14:13
Oh my, now it's become surreal- too bad for the boat! ~V~
borisalex12-Dec-2014 12:24
You are a smart photographer, I knew there was something in the previous image! :) V.
Stephanie12-Dec-2014 12:15
Looks like a real fixer upper!
Interesting capture Martin! V
Yvonne12-Dec-2014 10:07
Hmm, a curious state of affairs! v
John Reynolds LRPS12-Dec-2014 08:53
Seems a shame. Wonder if someone could salvage and repair this boat. V.
Helen Betts12-Dec-2014 08:16
Very interesting scene and good question! V.
Chris Morton12-Dec-2014 08:00
an unsuccessful flotation
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