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Martin Lamoon | all galleries >> Galleries >> Animals - Birds - etc > Now you remind me of....
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Now you remind me of....

FujiFilm X-E1
1/1000s f/4.8 at 200.0mm iso2000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)25-Apr-2015 18:48
Wonderful image...BV
janescottcumming20-Aug-2013 01:09
Terrific, looks amazing in original. That green background goes so well with this handsome guy. V
John R. Powell19-Aug-2013 19:43
Blimey... this a sharp Martin... brilliant capture.
Stephanie19-Aug-2013 14:08
Gorgeous capture of this little furry critter! Love the eye! V
joseantonio19-Aug-2013 13:01
Beautiful light and details.V
fotabug19-Aug-2013 12:59
A wonderfully sharp image!
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