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Don Case | all galleries >> Galleries >> Angel Wing Begonias > Begonia Pink Jade
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Begonia Pink Jade


Olympus D-490Z
1/100s f/3.6 at 8.5mm iso100 full exif

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miriam 27-Nov-2010 18:38
I live in New York, a bit north of the city. I had my first angel wing outside this summer, where it did very well and bloomed profusely in August and September and even into October. I took it inside at the beginning of November, where it gets some sun, but not a lot. It's away from the radiator, but leaves are curling and dropping off. There's still new growth, so I know it isn't dying, but it sure isn't as happy as it was outside! Is it too late to prune now--in late November? The branches do look leggy (especially now that there are fewer leaves...)