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Dan Bush | all galleries >> Main Gallery Folders followed by 2018's Latest Stuff >> Scenes from the Prairie > Old Shockley School House (Gentry County)
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25-APR-2005 Dan Bush

Old Shockley School House (Gentry County)

Albany, Missouri

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Ron Pettitt 06-Sep-2009 07:43
I just ran across your photos and am in awe! These are some of the most beautiful photos in Missouri that I have ever seen! I'm an old Missouri boy who misses his home state and these are giving it back to me! Thank You so much!
Rob 30-Mar-2006 02:10
Beautiful! Simply beautiful! You are a story teller with a camera, and you tell a beautiful story. Thank you.
Ananda Edmonds 11-Dec-2005 21:22
Merry Christmas Dan,

Thank you for being the eyes of Missouri for those of us not there to enjoy such beauty, it's way cool!

Peace & Blessings