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Dan Bush | all galleries >> Main Gallery Folders followed by 2018's Latest Stuff >> Scenes from the Prairie > Wayman Ranch Barn
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04-MAY-2003 Dan Bush

Wayman Ranch Barn

Albany, Missouri

The old "Wayman Ranch" barn, a true Albany, Missouri landmark, sat majestically south of town on a ridge overlooking the Grand River Valley to the west . This 3-story barn is seen here back on May 4, 2003 with a complex of thunderstorms to its southeast. This complex of storms was part of the same weather system that produced the tornadoes that tore apart areas of North Kansas City, Gladstone, Liberty, and Richmond to the south on that day. Ironically, one year and 20 days after this photo was taken the Wayman Ranch Barn would no longer exist having also been destroyed by a tornado. This view is from the northwest.

Nikon Coolpix 995
1/389s f/6.0 at 8.2mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto