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GardePro Game Camera

We seem to be having some overnight game coming into the common area behind Oatgrass Court.
So, will post some of the more interesting night shots.
White-tailed buck
White-tailed buck
Red Fox
Red Fox
White-tailed Doe
White-tailed Doe
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red Fox
Whitetail Doe
Whitetail Doe
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red Fox
Whitetail Doe
Whitetail Doe
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red Fox
Whitetail Doe
Whitetail Doe
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red Fox
Whitetail Doe
Whitetail Doe
Whitetail Doe
Whitetail Doe
Young Doe
Young Doe
Night-time Visitor
Night-time Visitor
Whitetail Doe
Whitetail Doe
Whitetail Doe
Whitetail Doe
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red Fox
Common Area Whitetail Doe
Common Area Whitetail Doe
6 Pointer
6 Pointer
Here comes Trouble
"Here comes Trouble"
Dancing Does
"Dancing Does"
Mom with Fawn
Mom with Fawn
Daybreak Visitor
"Daybreak Visitor"
The Herd
"The Herd"
While We Sleep
"While We Sleep"
Whitetail Doe
Whitetail Doe
Red Fox
Red Fox