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D800 Photos (Links from 'base' galleries)

Nikon's D800 Camera: (Note: I always shoot in RAW format)
The first two sets of photos were taken in RAW; Lossless Compressed; FX (36x24) L (7,360 x 4,912), with an AF-S VR Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8G and TC-20 E II
The next two set of photos were taken in RAW; Lossless Compressed; FX (36x24) L (7,360 x 4,912), with a standard AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.8G lens
The next two sets of photos were taken in RAW; Lossless Compressed; DX (24x16) L (4,800 x 3,200), with an AF-S VR Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8G and TC-20 E II
The next set of photos was taken in RAW; Lossless Compressed DX (24x16) L (4,800 x 3,200), with an AF-S VR Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8G lens
The next set of photos was taken in RAW; Lossless Compressed DX (24x16) L (4,800 x 3,200), with an AF-S VR Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8G lens and TC-20 E II Teleconverter
The next set of photos was taken in RAW; Lossless Compressed; 1st photo is DX (24x16) L (4,800x3,200); 2nd photo is FX 5:4 Aspect Ratio (6144x4912) - both photos taken with a standard AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.8G lens
The nest set of photos was taken in RAW; Lossless Compressed; 1st photo is DX (24x16) L (4,800x3,200); 2nd photo is FX (36x24) L (7,360x4,912), with an AF-S VR Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8G and TC 1.4E II 1.4x
The last set of photos was taken in RAW; Lossless Compressed; FX (36x24) L (7,360 x 4,912), with an AF-S VR Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8G lens
I love the new shutter release on the D800 as compared with the D700
Lots of "soft" images. Nearly all my photos are 'hand-held' and with this many pixels, you have to hold it real steady. The D700 is more forgiving.
Findings: (I will try and update this periodically).
(1) A 'birder' photographer will like the D800 best in DX (24x16) setting, because:
- you get a 1.5 focal length increase
- your photos only take half the storage space
- you do less cropping
(2) Using video for birding is cumbersome, but available. I tried it several times and don't like the limitations of shooting with the mirror up through the display window.
(3) Although the D800 is lighter than the D700, I like the grip of the D700 better.
(4) I'm in-the-process of saving up for a new prime lens (possibly AF-S NIKKOR 200mm f/2G ED VR II) because:
- It offers an f/2 aperture
- Both the D700 & D800 allow you a 1.5 focal length increase by selecting DX image size (becomes a 300mm prime)
- Adding my 2X teleconverter with either D700 or D800 in DX (24x16) would get me 600mm and add very little to the carry weight
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