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Profile for Sylvie
Name Sylvie (joined 03-Aug-2002) (pbase supporter)
Username miss_aspirina
Location Argentina
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View Galleries : Sylvie has 44 galleries and 696 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 294303 times.

View Guestbook : 35 messages. Most recent on 11-Oct-2007.

Message from Sylvie
At the end of 2002 I left behind my life in London for a new adventure - 12 months on the road in Latin America, on my own, 12 countries from Mexico down to Argentina via Cuba, Central America and the Andes.

I bought a digital camera to publish my pictures online as I went. The aim: share my trip with friends and family, give me a nice project to work on and leave a trace of that beautiful trip.

This is my own personal version of a travelogue. You won't see me posing in front of an Inca wall or on top of a volcano. Actually you won't see me at all.

Instead, I have tried to capture various aspects of life in the countries I visited - people, customs, social issues as well as sites, architecture and scenery.

These images show a mere glimpse of what it is to live and travel in Latin America, but I hope that they somehow convey the beauty and vitality of this fascinating continent and inspire you to visit it.

As far as I am concerned, I ended my trip in Buenos Aires at the end of 2003 and have lived there ever since.

I have lost all the pictures featured here: first the hard drive they were on was stolen, then it was the backup CDs. I have no prints, nothing - moments in time, completely virtual on the Internet, real only in my memory.

Enjoy !
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