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Milan Vogrin | all galleries >> birds >> birds_of_prey_raptors_owls > Bearded vulture Gypaetus barbatus brkati ser_MG_2551-111.jpg
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Milan Vogrin

Bearded vulture Gypaetus barbatus brkati ser_MG_2551-111.jpg

other sizes: small medium large original auto
janescottcumming01-Apr-2023 14:18
Magnificent bird and a wonderful capture. V
Charlene Ambrose26-Mar-2023 06:31
Great detail captured. V
Patricia Kay25-Mar-2023 12:13
Perfect timing for this wonderful capture Milan…BV
Danad24-Mar-2023 15:29
Superb with the wide open wings and the good light.
joseantonio23-Mar-2023 19:26
great capture in flight.V.
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