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Milan Vogrin | all galleries >> Galleries >> sunsets_clouds_moon > Sunset sončni zahod_IMG_20201031_161759-111.jpg
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Sunset sončni zahod_IMG_20201031_161759-111.jpg

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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)04-Dec-2021 18:26
Questa e' una bellissima immagine! V
Zoltán Balogh16-Feb-2021 16:13
Wow, this capture is just magical... V
Tom Munson05-Feb-2021 17:07
Beautiful capture of this wonderful sunset.
Helen Betts03-Feb-2021 20:17
That light is spectacular! V.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography03-Feb-2021 15:03
Beautiful sunset capture, Voted.
Claude Gagnon03-Feb-2021 14:09
So beautiful :)) V
joseantonio03-Feb-2021 13:51
nice work with that light.V
waterfalls man03-Feb-2021 13:10
Great shot V!!
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