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Miljenko Devcic | all galleries >> tech >> Lens reviews and tests > CHEAP_vs_EXPENSIVE.jpg
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Nikon D70
1/4000s f/2.8 at 200.0mm iso400 full exif

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Miljenko Devcic19-Apr-2006 07:54
Hi Benjammer, using telelens at high apertures is not a realistic option. Even f/5.0 is sometimes to slow for low light/fast moving object situations. This doesn't mean that Sigma 70-300 APO2 is a bad lens. On contrary, it outperforms similary priced OEM telezooms.
Guest 17-Apr-2006 00:51
Besides the colours I Think the cheap lens might be winning at f22, but of course expencive seems better for everything else, which will definetly be more commonly used.