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Laura Milholland | profile | all galleries >> Animals and Zoos >> Zoo Animals >> San Francisco Zoo >> Cats >> Tigers tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


San Francisco Zoo has Siberian and Sumatran Tigers. All eight species of tiger are endangered, and three species are probably extinct. Estimates to the five remaining subspecies in the wild and captivity respectively (1999) are as follows: Bengal 4000/1000, Indochinese 1050/20, Sumatran 400/194, Siberian 400/632, and Chinese 30/40.

Siberian tigers are classified as endangered. A 1998 census estimated the wild population at about 350 to 400. There are more than 600 Siberian tigers living in captivity worldwide, over 200 in AZA Zoos in North America.

The wild Sumatran tiger population is now estimated at somewhere around 600.
Sharp Teeth
Sharp Teeth
Big Yawn
Big Yawn
Say Ahhh. . . .
Say Ahhh. . . .
Sweet Tiger Face
Sweet Tiger Face
Paw On the Wall
Paw On the Wall
Showing His Teeth Under the Tree
Showing His Teeth Under the Tree
Tiger Cubs - born March 08
gallery: Tiger Cubs - born March 08
Tiger Love
Tiger Love
Kitty Kiss
Kitty Kiss
Enough Already!
Enough Already!
Amur (Siberian) Head On
Amur (Siberian) Head On
Ferocious Roar
Ferocious Roar
Tiger's Eye View
Tiger's Eye View
Big Yawn
Big Yawn
Tiger Teeth
Tiger Teeth
Tiger Snarl
Tiger Snarl
Lay In the Shade
Lay In the Shade
Tiger Glare
Tiger Glare
From the Side
From the Side
Cub Following Mom
Cub Following Mom
Young Tiger Cub - Jillian
Young Tiger Cub - Jillian
Sideways Glance
Sideways Glance
Tiger in the Grass
Tiger in the Grass
Large Paws
Large Paws
Martha On Her Walk
Martha On Her Walk
Tiger Whiskers
Tiger Whiskers
Cat Nap
Cat Nap
Profile of a Puss
Profile of a Puss
Out of the Dark
Out of the Dark
Tiger on the Prowl
Tiger on the Prowl
Through the Glass
Through the Glass
Tiger in Cage
Tiger in Cage
Tiger On the Move
Tiger On the Move
Nap in the Shade
Nap in the Shade
Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye
Good Kitty
Good Kitty
Tiger Walk
Tiger Walk
Snarling Cat
Snarling Cat
Coming and Going
Coming and Going
Shere Khan
Shere Khan
Up Close and Personal
Up Close and Personal
Snarling Kitty
Snarling Kitty
Tiger In the Grass
Tiger In the Grass
Ying and Yang
Ying and Yang
Talking to Us
Talking to Us
Lip Smacking
Lip Smacking
Kitty Growl
Kitty Growl
The Sumatran Stalking
The Sumatran Stalking
A Glare
A Glare
Siberian Tigers
Siberian Tigers
Pacing Before Lunch
Pacing Before Lunch
Shadows and Stripes
Shadows and Stripes
Tiger and Leaves
Tiger and Leaves
A Bite of Lunch
A Bite of Lunch
Lip Smackin' Good
Lip Smackin' Good
Regal Stare
Regal Stare
Tiger Snarl
Tiger Snarl
Tiger Walk
Tiger Walk
Playful Tiger
Playful Tiger
New Mama Tiger
New Mama Tiger
Eye Contact
Eye Contact
Telling Us Her Story
Telling Us Her Story