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Tomasz Mikonowicz | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2015 At The Lake Ohrid (North Macedonia) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

2015 At The Lake Ohrid (North Macedonia)

Bay of The Bones Museum, Galicica National Park, Gorica Beach, Lake Ohrid, Macedonia, Sveti Naum Monastery, The Balkans
Alex, Gorica Beach, Lake Ohrid
Alex, Gorica Beach, Lake Ohrid
Alex playing with swan, Gorica Beach, Lake Ohrid
Alex playing with swan, Gorica Beach, Lake Ohrid
Gorica Beach, Lake Ohrid
Gorica Beach, Lake Ohrid
Gorica Beach, Lake Ohrid
Gorica Beach, Lake Ohrid
Gorica Beach, Lake Ohrid
Gorica Beach, Lake Ohrid
Gorica Beach, Lake Ohrid
Gorica Beach, Lake Ohrid
Bay of The Bones Museum, Lake Ohrid
Bay of The Bones Museum, Lake Ohrid
Bay of The Bones Museum, Lake Ohrid
Bay of The Bones Museum, Lake Ohrid
Bay of The Bones Museum, Lake Ohrid
Bay of The Bones Museum, Lake Ohrid
Bay of The Bones Museum, Lake Ohrid
Bay of The Bones Museum, Lake Ohrid
Bay of The Bones Museum, Lake Ohrid
Bay of The Bones Museum, Lake Ohrid
Bay of The Bones Museum, Lake Ohrid
Bay of The Bones Museum, Lake Ohrid
Bay of The Bones Museum, Lake Ohrid
Bay of The Bones Museum, Lake Ohrid
Sveti Naum Monastery
Sveti Naum Monastery
Sveti Naum Monastery
Sveti Naum Monastery
Sveti Naum Monastery
Sveti Naum Monastery
Sveti Naum Monastery
Sveti Naum Monastery
Lake Ohrid, Galicica National Park
Lake Ohrid, Galicica National Park
Galicica National Park
Galicica National Park
Galicica National Park
Galicica National Park
Lake Ohrid, Galicica National Park
Lake Ohrid, Galicica National Park
Lake Ohrid, Galicica National Park
Lake Ohrid, Galicica National Park
Lake Ohrid, Galicica National Park
Lake Ohrid, Galicica National Park
Lake Ohrid near Ohrid
Lake Ohrid near Ohrid
Lake Prespa, Galicica National Park
Lake Prespa, Galicica National Park
Lake Ohrid near Ohrid
Lake Ohrid near Ohrid
Lake Ohrid, Velestovo
Lake Ohrid, Velestovo