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Tomasz Mikonowicz | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2009 ☆ Alps ☆ Monte Rosa B&W (Italy,Switzerland) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

2009 ☆ Alps ☆ Monte Rosa B&W (Italy,Switzerland)

Alps, Black & White, B&W, Glacier, Italy, Monochrome, Mountaineering, Piemonte, Switzerland, Valais, Wallis
Ludwigshöhe 4341m
Ludwigshöhe 4341m
Piramide Vincent 4215m and Lyskamm 4527m behind
Piramide Vincent 4215m and Lyskamm 4527m behind
Garstelet Glacier
Garstelet Glacier
Corno Nero 4321m, Ludwigshöhe 4341m, Parrotspitze 4436m
Corno Nero 4321m, Ludwigshöhe 4341m, Parrotspitze 4436m
Garstelet Glacier
Garstelet Glacier
Zumsteinspitze 4563m
Zumsteinspitze 4563m
Corno Nero 4321m
Corno Nero 4321m
Dufourspitze 4634m
Dufourspitze 4634m
Punta Gnifetti 4559m from Zumsteinspitze 4563m
Punta Gnifetti 4559m from Zumsteinspitze 4563m
Dufourspitze 4634m and Nordend 4609m behind
Dufourspitze 4634m and Nordend 4609m behind
Punta Gnifetti 4559m
Punta Gnifetti 4559m
Corno Nero 4321m
Corno Nero 4321m
Myself on Ludwigshöhe 4341m
Myself on Ludwigshöhe 4341m
Lyskamm 4527m and Weißhorn Group 4506m
Lyskamm 4527m and Weißhorn Group 4506m
Climbing route above Indren Glacier
Climbing route above Indren Glacier
Garstelet Glacier and Lyskamm 4527m behind
Garstelet Glacier and Lyskamm 4527m behind
Lyskamm 4527m, Breithorn 4164m and Matterhorn 4478m
Lyskamm 4527m, Breithorn 4164m and Matterhorn 4478m
Rifugio Gnifetti 3647m
Rifugio Gnifetti 3647m
Parrotspitze 4436m and Lyskamm 4527m behind
Parrotspitze 4436m and Lyskamm 4527m behind
Parrotspitze 4436m
Parrotspitze 4436m
At the foot of Punta Gnifetti
At the foot of Punta Gnifetti
View southwards on the way to Rifugio Gnifetti 3647m
View southwards on the way to Rifugio Gnifetti 3647m
Corno Nero 4321m and Parrotspitze 4436m
Corno Nero 4321m and Parrotspitze 4436m
Punta Indern 3260m on the way to Rifugio Gnifetti 3647m
Punta Indern 3260m on the way to Rifugio Gnifetti 3647m
Climbing route above Indren Glacier
Climbing route above Indren Glacier
Punta Gnifetti 4559m
Punta Gnifetti 4559m
Corno Nero 4321m
Corno Nero 4321m
Climbing route above Indren Glacier
Climbing route above Indren Glacier
Parrotspitze 4436m
Parrotspitze 4436m
Parrotspitze 4436m
Parrotspitze 4436m